We meet on Sundays, 10 am @ JH Indoor
(3580 South Park Dr, Jackson, WY 83001)

Cornerstone Church of Jackson, Wyoming
We exist to glorify God by equipping people to live a joyful life of love for and commitment to Jesus Christ, both in Jackson Hole and World Wide.
Upcoming Service Schedule
We gather weekly to pray, sing, encourage one another,
and to sit under the preaching of the Word.
Sunday Worship Service
Sundays, 10 am at JH Indoor
3580 South Park Dr Jackson WY 83001
Core Values
The vision of Cornerstone Church is that we would all be increasingly and joyfully living out our core values.

The Centrality of Jesus Christ
We affirm that the Jesus of the Scriptures was a real, historical individual, who is both fully God and fully Man, and that the only way that a human can be right before God is by trusting in his life, death, burial, and resurrection for the forgiveness of sins.

The Scriptures
We affirm that the 66 books of Old and New Testaments are the verbal plenary inspired and fully inerrant Word of God. As a church, we gather together to spend time each week sitting under the exposition of the Scriptures

Growing in Christ Likeness
Although we all at times experience different levels of growth, the Scriptures describe all individuals who believe in God as people who are being renewed, and who are growing every day to be more like Jesus the Christ.

The One-Anothers
As we grow in Christ-Likeness, the Scriptures reveal to us that the way we interact with one another changes for the better as a result. There are about 40 or so One Another commands in the New Testament that are crucial to life within a local church.

The Mission of the Church
As we grow in Christ-Likeness, the Scriptures also reveal to us that the way we interact with individuals outside of the church also changes, and that all Christians - locally and abroad - are called to make disciples of Jesus Christ.
News and Announcements
Cornerstone Bulletin
Join us on zoom on Sundays from 8-9 am to pray for the glory of God to be manifested in the church.
CDBC is designed to practically equip you to grow in your walk with Christ and equip others also. If you’re interested in joining us this year, please contact Matt (matt@cornerstonejh.com) or see the webpage for more info.
We all need counseling at various points in our lives. There are times when we just need help. Now might be a time when you need someone to come alongside and encourage you from the Bible. Contact Matt Mumma for more information or to meet with a counselor: 307-413-7961 or matt@cornerstonejh.com
Gospel communities meet throughout the week around the valley. We gather in smaller groups to grow in love for Christ, one another, and our town. Contact Matt (Matt@cornerstonejh.com) to get plugged in.
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