When the Mission Becomes Protesting - an Article by Pastor Eric Davis

When the Mission Becomes Protesting (Post featured on the Cripplegate by Pastor Eric Davis)

When the Mission Becomes Protesting - an Article by Pastor Eric Davis

From time to time, our pastor has the opportunity and privilege to write guest articles for the blog The Cripplegate. In light of some recent events that occurred here in Jackson Hole, which seemingly blurred the line between the mission and the method of the Church, Eric responds with an article that is helpful and relevant for the Biblically informed.  He writes:

“Recently, Operation Save America (a Texas-based, anti-abortion group) came to our town for an organized protest against a local doctor who is known as the only abortion provider in the state. As a heads-up regarding their actions, the OSA invited local pastors and Christian ministries to discuss the upcoming protests. Though the voices were unanimous in graciously requesting that OSA not protest this year (for a second year in a row), they came anyways.

OSA requested that local churches in the area link arms to protest along with them as they sounded their voice throughout the town. For several days, protestors lined boulevards, walkways, school areas, and downtown with large posters picturing graphic images of aborted babies and signs with aggressive slogans towards the doctor.”

Click here to read the rest of the article.