Church-Planting and Idolatry (post featured on the Cripplegate)

If you missed it, the final entry in Eric’s series on Fledgling Church Planters was recently featured on the Cripple Gate.  Eric brings his series to an end by examining the impending and very real danger of ministry, numbers, and even church planting becoming a chief ends rather than a means to glorify God, and the idolatry that so easily creeps in and pervades the desire to further the Church.

A desire for ministry, and especially church-planting, should never be thought of as a sanitized, neutral desire. On the contrary, there are not many more dangerous means of laboring for self-approval than ministry. It seems so innocent, so noble, to plant a church. And don’t get me wrong, it is a fine work the planter desires. However, precisely because it seems so noble is why it can be so dangerous. And the more you scan the current evangelical landscape, the more you will see that church-planting is hijacked as a cloaked way to secretly feed the craving for approval.

(Check out the rest of the article here: